A Monster / by Ronald Jackson

Salvation of life frequently comes from the helping hand of the hero
The hero is what fights away the darkness with an abundance of light
That despite disparity it will pair with the calm to restore a balance
Swooping in clad with cape but minus a cowl
Sporting a reassuring grin
It appeals to you not to fear the venomous legislation deep within
Dread not the system of abuse
Instead introduce composed conduct to seduce its conversion
Reject complacency safely even if this may create latency
Because the hero is the net of safety
It is a cushion sometimes found in us all that keeps us out of harm’s way
But sometimes its charm does not save the day
Sometimes the one with the cape cannot quite get it right
Necessary becomes the enlisting of the one that exposed the kryptonite
The one you turn into that rages against and roams the night
Blending in with the darkness in search of anything running afoul
The one with no cape yet instead cloaked in a blackened cowl
It conceals an unsympathetic scowl across a shadowing silhouette
Because sometimes being good and doing good is not good enough
So sometimes to defeat a monster you must become one just at tough
Bring forth the controlled chaos when one tries to dial up a bluff
Unlatch each mental cuff
Dismantle each emotional shackle
Set a candle lit trail for its exodus
Because the hero will not wish to cause much damage
Whereas a monster points its unrestricted path of destruction
The hero does not wish to cause a great splash
A monster desires to cause a tidal wave
Though both behave with the intention to institute an impact
A monster intends to leave ruins of an institution overdue for demolishing
Condemn what you know and leave nothing of its memory
So take this decree not as a dismissal to the hero
I am not advocating its avoidance
The hero has great purpose and by many is found fonder
But there are those other moments in life
Those are the moments when you must sponsor a monster
